BUG? Game goes black

My game works fine in iPhone Unity, reports no errors about build incompatibilities, and builds without a problem in xCode when Build&Run is chosen.

But when it loads on to the iPhone, it shows the Made with Unity splash screen, and then goes to a black screen.

If I check the xCode console log, it reads: http://rafb.net/p/b3dgPZ73.html

But other Unity projects work find on it, as do the example projects that came with the iPhone dev kit ran straight through xCode.

Anyone know what’s going on? This is on an iPod touch.


Here’s what happened and how I fixed it. I believe this is a bug!


  1. Open a project with multiple scenes.
  2. Be sure it has an illegal DXT5 file in it.
  3. Add the scenes to the Build options.
  4. Now delete a couple of the scenes in the PROJECT window
  5. Open the Build options and notice that the missing scenes are still listed in the Build list.
  6. Build Run.
  7. Notice that xCode reports the build was successful.
    7b Notice that the illegal DXT5 is not reported as an error in the Unity console
  8. Notice that xCode installs and runs the app on the iPhone
  9. On iPhone, notice the Unity splash screen.
  10. On iPhone, notice that the screen goes black.


  1. Open Build Run window
  2. Delete the missing scenes from the build list.
  3. Build and Run
  4. Notice that the illegal DXT file is NOW reported as an error in the Unity Console, and it will not Build Run.
  5. Remove the illegal file from the project or convert to PVRCT reimport it
  6. Build and Run
  7. Notice that everything now works okay. The project loads and runs without further errors.

However, the screen still remains black.

Please use Report Bug.app to report bugs. The forum is neither an appropriate place to file bugs, nor do we track or fix bugs that are posted on the forums.