Bug in animation import

I use Unity 4.2.14f

I have bug while import animation from Maya 7.0.
In Maya I have all curves with linear tangents, but when Unity import it curvse became something like spline.

It happens mostly with scale and rotation animations.
FBX import does not fix the issue.

Need help on how to fix it.

How are you importing the object? As FBX or as mb/ma?

If you aren’t already, try baking out the animation onto the objects before exporting (Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation) and set it to key on every frame. Even if Unity changes the curves, it will very closely follow your curves as set up in Maya.

I’ve found that Unity doesn’t always respect the tangencies of animations. For example, it won’t take stepped animation, and instead replaces it with linear or spline curves. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with the fbx exporting in Maya, or just how Unity handles the animation, I always had just assumed it was the latter.

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I’m importing object as mb. But I tried fbx, with the same result.

Thank you. I’ve just tried your variant. I baked animation on every frame. Still the same situation.
Here is the image

If someone could help how to duplicate animation for all hierarchy to make in Not Read-Only and Set Linear tangents to all animation of the hierarchy, it would be great.
