Bug in image post effects and shadows iOS metal

Has anyone seen this before?
Image post effects on iOS with metal support resulting in black screen or freeze frame from another scene. (looks like a buffer has not been cleared)
Strangely, this also happens with shadows. Even stranger: if you have two cameras and shadows on, you will also get one camera black and the other renders fine.

regards! Tom

perhaps you may need to force OpenGL 2.0 until unity makes image-effects compatible. It may help to post a bug report with an attached repro project to help UT know its not working.

yup…I have filled in a bug report. However, switching to OpenGL is a major performance decrease…so that is not an option.

Personally I wouldn’t target only metal devices. There’s still just too many devices in the wild that don’t support it. On a side note have you got any image-effects working at a practical framerate on iOS? I’d love to get a decent bloom going.

Actually the setting in unity is ‘auto’ so when it can switch to metal it will, which is what I want. So at the end, I make a check if the device is metal or not. If not, it will turn off some fancy effects. iPad 2 is still supported this way. I only made that check after i figured that post effects are not fully supported yet in metal which is a pitty, because the performance is much better with it.
Btw: i actually got some nice framerates with bloom effects. But indeed, you have to cut in some other stuff. (Polycount, drawcalls, etc)

cool which bloom did you use?

the optimized version!

cool is that one of the one’s from the asset store?

yes, but of course, depending on how heavy your game itself is

you don’t want to say which one :stuck_out_tongue: that’s cool man no sweat.

no, that is not the case. It is in fact the optimized bloom effect. There is only one bloom effect that is called like that and it comes with Unity pro. So not one from the asset store. :wink: