Bug in iPhone advanced Byte code stripping

My game has GUI that’s inside of a for statement… it loops through to display a custom keyboard. (screen shot below).

This script works fine when I’m not using the byte code stripping feature in iPhone Advanced … but once I build with byte code stripping… the GUI that makes up the keyboard (inside the for statement) doesn’t display.

NOTE: Other GUI on the level displays fine because they aren’t in the for statements.

Can someone assist??

Oh yeah and here is a little of the code I used for the script

private var letters1:Array = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I"];

for(var i:int = 0; i < letters1.length; i++)
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(btnWidth * i + 10, 145, btnWidth, btnHeight), letters1[i] as String))
		//do something


Don’t mean to spam here but; WORK ON URBAN TYCOON! I did not know you had pushed back the release but have no idea of anything on Urban Tycoon since you don’t reply. :?:

TouchSoft - just got the update to Pizza Dash. Noticed the icon is the default unity icon.

Yeah :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: I forgot everytime I build the project the icon is replaced… so I’ve submitted an update again :lol:

Does anyone know about the GUI looping issue when byte code is being stripped?

I noticed that with byte code stripping my app crashed so I just didn’t use it. I didn’t take the time to narrow it down. I’m looking forward to more information on this.

byte code stripping is the whole reason I got iPhone advanced :cry: :cry:

I didn’t have crashes so far with it … perhaps there is something specific broken or the analyze fails for some specific reason, in that case file a bugreport.

Thanks Dreamora, but I don’t see any links on the website for bug reporting. Is there a special email I should send it to?

Either you do it straight out of Unity iPhone or you use the bug reporter in the Unity iPhone application folder

wow thanks!!! I never saw that feature in the app!

I didn’t notice any difference in file size between the latter 2 stripping options.

“Strip ByteCode” option strips down accompanying .NET dlls down to metadata only. Check “Data” folder. Main binary is not affected.

I haven’t heard back from Unity

Any update on this??

this issue will be fixed with next Unity iPhone release. For quick workaround add following code to your script:

private var tmp:TextEditor = new TextEditor();

Mike you are making me mad now. I made a mistake; I was mad. I apologized to you. Now; what do u do? Ignore me. I apologized and sent you feedback and suggestions for Urban Tycoon. Look; I did not know the release date was pushed back. But since I could not find you else where nobody knew. When is the predicted release date?