Bug in script (don't know how to describe it)

Hi guys, i come back for help :slight_smile: So first i spawn zombies using a prefab, and spawn them over and over again. But when i kill one zombie, he play his death animation and his body remain on the ground (and i delete the character controller) that’s what i want. But what i don’t want is when one zombie die, the other suddenly stop moving, just play the walk animation over and over again, still have collision etc, but just don’t move. Here’s my code:

First the zombie script:
Zombie script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Zombie : MonoBehaviour

    public float speed;
    public float range;
    public CharacterController controller;

    public Transform player;
    public AnimationClip run;
    public AnimationClip idle;
    public AnimationClip attack1;
    public AnimationClip death;

    public static bool dead;
    private bool isAttacking;
    private int health;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        health = 1000;
        dead = false;
        isAttacking = false;
        animation[attack1.name].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (animation.IsPlaying(attack1.name) == false)
            isAttacking = false;
        if (!dead && !isAttacking)
            if (!inRange())
            else if (!isAttacking)

    public void getHit(int damage)
        health = health - damage;
        if (health <= 0 && !dead == true)
            dead = true;
        else if (health <= 0)

    bool inRange()
        return (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) < range);

    void chase()
        controller.SimpleMove(transform.forward * speed);

    void attack()
        isAttacking = true;

I send bullet out of the gun of my character with this script (to deal damage)

Bullet Script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class collisionDetection : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject target;

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collide)
        if (collide.gameObject)
            Destroy(this.gameObject);// destroy the bullet
            target = collide.gameObject;
            target.GetComponent<Zombie>().getHit(10);//deal damage to zombie

And I add that when the zombie are paralyzed, and another one spawn, they suddenly move again, i just don’t understand x)

Thanks in advance for your help!

Is there and instance of CharacterController for each Zombie?

Can you show us the code where you spawn the zombies?

Your dead boolean is static so once one zombie is “dead” they’ll all be “dead”

Hah i was looking for a static but missed that one :slight_smile:

Ho thank you ! :slight_smile: indeed again another stupid mistake, when i’ve code it i was thinking about only one zombie, so he should remain dead ^^ thanks!