If you compile a osx x64 or universal version the splash image and UnityPlayer.icns will not be included in the app bundle.
I have found no solutions to this other then to compile a x86 version and copy the “ScreenSelector.tif” and “UnityPlayer.icns” files to a temp folder then make a x64/universal version and copy the files in to that new app bundle.
well I just recently went from 4.1.5 to 4.2.2 and hadn’t noticed it… Some freaking miracle happened and I could suddenly use 4.2.1 without it crashing all the time. And also 4.2.2 has been working nicely (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!) But I’m trying to submit a game to the Mac App Store and I have big problems getting it code signed. I am trying a post build script for now, but that takes the app without the icons and splash image and code sign it and make a pkg file out of it. And of course it is rejected by Apple for missing icons. And also for not having a correct architecture of the executable, even though I have tried x86, x86_64 and universal.
It’s possible they require you to use both the new and the old style of icons to be accepted these days. The new icon catalogs are a bit trickier than using a simple ICNS maker, since the only real tool is Xcode. But they’re basically just a directory and images, possibly with a plist index. I haven’t started digging into that much yet, but you should find some help and the occasional rant about it on the official dev forums.