Bug? Input system in Unity version 2021.3.11

I made migration my project from version 2019.3.4 to version 2021.3.11f1 and I have a problem with input in UI, but only when I use multiplayer event system, when I use normal event system it works properly. Also this input dosen’t work only when I want use arrows on keybord, d-pad/ stick on pad, when I press for example ‘A’ on keybord or pad it works properly.

Also I check my project with version 2021.3.6 and everything work properly.

So in my opinion this is bug in Unity, but I’m not sure, meyby somebody has similar problem?

Ps. I use new input system.

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What is the “multiplayer event system” vs “normal event system”? I know of only one EventSystem for UI input.

Anyway, sounds like you ran into the New Input System v1.4.x issue (bug) where WASD isn’t working? I read that you have to explicitly select the Mouse+Keyboard control scheme to make that work.

So when I wrote ‘normal event system’ I thought about EventSystem, and when I wrote ‘multiplayer event system’ I thought about this component: Class MultiplayerEventSystem | Input System | 1.4.3 (unity3d.com). I know that, EventSystem works, beacuse in some scene I give controll only for one player, for example Settings ect, but in some scene I give controll in UI for all player, for example joining to the game and chossing character.

Also if it help, I can record a film where, I can show debugger for Input, and then you can see the buttons on pad/ keybord work, but navigations bettwen buttons don’t work.

I’m not sure, but problably the problem is with the version of Input System 1.4 and newer, because with Input System 1.3 everything work properly. Yeah, I have a control schame for keybord and for pad.

I also found the same bug.

The Input Debugger detects keyboard input fine, but the PlayerInputComponent doesn’t behaviour (doesn’t call Unity events).

The newly created InputActions sent keyboard notifications without issue, but some InputActions inherited from 2021.2.0f did not. (Arrows, A key, etc…)

In my case, I solved it by creating a new one.
After that, InputActions inherited from 2021.2.0f are also notified…
I checked the change diff, but only the ID was changed.