[Bug] LateUpdate is called before Start and Update

Something is really wrong as this is the core behaviour and it really contradicts documentation.

I instantiate an object from prefab and the LateUpdate of it’s nested object is called earlier than the Start of this root object. The strange thing is that the Update is not getting called either, but LateUpdate does.

This happens on 4.6.5 in the editor and in the build project.

The bug report #694985

The repro project is also attached to this post.

2101539–137615–BehaviourEvents.zip (101 KB)

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Reviving this age old post…I am having the same problem in Unity 2022.1.17f1 where I am instantiating a Prefab in a UnityTest with a lot of scripts attached to it. Situation is as follows:

Script A calls GetComponent() in Start(), Script B accesses said component of A in its LateUpdate() function and EVEN WITH Script Execution Order correctly set up, B gets a NullReferenceException because the call order is B.Start → B.LateUpdate() → A.Start().
It works if I get the component in A.Awake() which in this case happens to work because I am accessing a Camera…