Will someone please confirm to me that this is a known bug and being worked on?? I can’t be the only person with this problem. The problem: You upgrade you project from Unity Iphone to any beta or FC version of Unity 3 and your MP3’s no longer loop properly. They will restart the loops in weird spots. I have deleted, reimported, and set up new audio sources for all looping mp3s. To no avail. Can someone over at Unity tell me if you know about this bug and if its getting fixed? Our companies game is VERY close to being released and I now have no working audio loops.
(Yes this bug has been submitted. It is still “open”)
Yes I know “You shouldn’t upgrade to a pre-release version”. However I had to because unity iphone .net 2.1 has broken implementation of reflection, which I must have (and which now works in unity 3).
It hasn’t helped my problem. I don’t have any issues when the audio (mp3) restarts the loop (a gap or anything). My problem is that usually 1-3 seconds before the track ends and is supposed to loop again, it restarts the track, looping it earlier than it is supposed to be looped.
And also, we have tried .ogg and this weird looping restart does not occur, however, the .ogg tracks have a half second delay between the ending and starting of the track, which doesn’t work for us either. The MP3 tracks looped perfectly (no random restarting or gap between repeats) in Unity iPhone.