Bug? Offsets/avatar mask in play mode.

Hey everyone,

I’m having a weird issue.
I’m using an override track as you can see in the gif below. This track has an avatar mask only affecting one arm.

In edit mode everything works as it should, but in play mode the character jumps for some reason. This is solved if I delete or mute the override track.

I can’t understand why this happens because the avatar mask should prevent this from happening. Or am I missing something?



Ok, I figured it out. If anyone runs into this, you can’t override an animation that’s in transition.
Need to nudge the clip a bit to avoid the fades that are on the main channel.

Not sure if this is intended, but it feels really awkward and counter productive.

i have same issue with avatar mask at runtime
am not sure how can I solve that
Bug - Calling SetHumanoidBodyPartActive Reset Animator animations - Unity Forum