Try to install 2019.3.0.f1. Result: Noop after confirming EULA
Try to remove previous 2018.3 build. Result: Noop after hitting remove button.
Uninstalling unity hub, all editors, restarting computer, reinstalling unity hub
Logging in and logging out
Looks like the issue is with the install daemon not having the correct permissions:
Log output:
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServer","level":"info","message":"[ 'IPC Server Unity-hubInstallServer started' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.439Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServerPlatform","level":"info","message":"[ 'spawn elevated child process to Unity-hubInstallServer' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.439Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServerPlatform","level":"info","message":"[ 'elevate \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Unity Hub\\\\Unity Hub.exe\" -- --winInstaller' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.440Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServerPlatform","level":"info","message":"[ 'Not initialized. Waiting for connect..' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.440Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServer","level":"info","message":"[ 'emit stop child process of Unity-hubInstallServer' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.502Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServerPlatform","level":"error","message":"[ Error: User did not grant permission.\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\sudo-prompt\\index.js:534:29\n at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:319:5)\n at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:194:13)\n at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:998:16)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:265:5) ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.502Z"}
{"moduleName":"UnityIPCServer","level":"info","message":"[ 'IPC server Unity-hubInstallServer and client closed' ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.502Z"}
{"moduleName":"EditorManager","level":"error","message":"[ 'editor download/install cancelled because of',\n Error: User did not grant permission.\n at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\sudo-prompt\\index.js:534:29\n at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:319:5)\n at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:194:13)\n at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:998:16)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:265:5) ]","timestamp":"2019-12-09T01:49:40.502Z"}
I am getting a very similar issue as well. My anti virus keeps detecting trojan (execute.bat file) whenever I try to remove or install a editor. When I disabled it and tried installing and uninstalling nothing happens. No download starts for a new editor and old ones just sits there doing nothing.
I have tried uninstalling Unity Hub and reinstalling, but the same thing just happens. I’m just going to look for an older version to revert to so I can get those functionalities back.
i have the same problem. using Unity Hub 2.2.2. Hub auto-installs 2018.4.14f1, but can not complete install of 2019.2.17f1. Hub downloads 2019, gets stuck on install for about 15 minutes, then deletes 2019. to get around this, i directly downloaded the 2019.2.17f1 EXE and installed it- everything went well. but now the Hub will not allow me to boot 2019- when i start 2019 directly, it opens Hub, and appears to be stuck on the install (even though 2019 was installed previously). i dont see a way to get past this point to open 2019.2.17f1.
pc: Win 7 Ult, SP1. 64 bit os. 4ghz amd 8350. 16GB ram. 113 gb free hdd. default browser is firefox 71 64bit.
Sorry you’re still experiencing issues with Hub. In order for us to understand what’s happening, can you please send your log report? You can find them at the following:
Same issue on 2.2.2 for me. It’s driving me crazy, and now I’m unable to use Unity Editor at all. Haven’t found any workaround yet. I’m not using any anti-virus except for the default windows defender. On linux it works fine for me, but my project with ECS crashes the editor every few minutes (separate issue for a different thread though).