Bug: Scene View Widgets not moving when using ECS/DOTS in Unity 6.000.28f1


submitted as IN-92082.

When setting up a simple test project the following behaviour is observed, which is confusing:

While the object (cube) moves, the editing widgets in the Scene view stay in their starting position. Then, when for example moving the Enitity with the Move widget, the object snaps back to the new moved position in Play and Game View.

  1. Create new Project with Entities
  2. Make sure in Preferences “Runtime Mode” is selected for Entities → Scene View
  3. Add cube, attach authoring/baker to it, add Rigidbody / Collider as needed.
  4. Create system that moves the entity in any direction.
  5. Start Play mode, pause if necessary.
  6. Select the Cube object in the subscene
  7. Observe that although the cube is moving, the editor widgets are not. Try by selecting move or look at the Box collider bound box, which also does not move.
  8. Move the (moving) cube using the widget. Observe that after releasing the move widget, the entity teleports back to the position. (After unpausing.

Expected behaviour: The editor widgets should follow the actual entity.