[ BUG ] - Unity 5.0.1.f1 with iOS8.2 - OpenGLES error 0x0502

Hello Everyone,

Im using the lastest Unity Version 5.0.1f1 and iOS8.2 .

This does not happen when building the project for 64 bit architecture.

Bug when i deploy my project to a 32 bit Architecture i get the following error,
there is something wrong on the framebuffer.

This happens if i use Automatic or force the Graphics API to be OpenGLES 2.0.

This is very urgent, has i cannot submit my app to the app store:

OpenGLES error 0x0502 in … Classes/Unity/GlesHelper.mm:330

Can someone help me to bypass this issue for now? Even if the solution is a manual fix?
Best regards.

I’ve restarted unity and now this issue has gone, please close this thread.

I’m on Unity 5.0.2p2 and the error doesn’t go away restarting Unity. I’m testing on iPad3 and forcing Open GL ES 2.0.
My error is the same except for the line number:
OpenGLES error 0x0502 in …/GlesHelper.mm:326

I also have this error before:
GLSL error: ERROR: Implementation limit of 32 varying components exceeded. Unable to allocate ‘xlv_COLOR0’.
ERROR: Input of fragment shader ‘xlv_TEXCOORD3’ not written by vertex shader

Maybe this two errors are correlated.
Any suggestions?