Hi there. I totally understand that Unity 6 is still in preview. For me in general it works great but I do found a potential annoying bug related to Visual Studio.
Whenever I open the first time Visual Studio through Unity C# it works fine and intelisense work as well but once I create a new script and click on it it opens fine in visual studio but then it break immediately intelisense it seems like it doesn’t reload the scripts at all after you create a new one.
So in order to fix that I need to close Visual Studio and reopen it everytime I create a new script.
I do tried to regenerate projects files but it doesn’t help at all.
I do tried to fork on Visual Studio settings but it doesn’t seems to be a visual studio issue since with Unity 2022 and 2023 it works fine.
I tried but it’s the same. The strange thing is that whenever I tried to rebuild solution I got no errors when I open the first time Visual Studio after I create a new script and try to rebuild solution it gives me like 13256 errors from the whole Unity internal codes. After closing visual studio and reopen it all the errors gone again. It’s something to do with the reloading of the scripts in general but I’m not sure what exactly this is causing.
I tried Unity 6 latest 2 versions 19/20f. Visual Studio is 2022 community latest version as well.
It works fine with Unity 2021 / 2022 / 2023 but not with Unity6.
Yes indeed I tried to reinstall everything from scratch include Unity aswell.
I tried with an empty project it gives the same results so now I know it doesn’t do anything with my current project.
Okay it seems like I found the issue. Mostly when you go to create - MonoBehaviourScript this issue appear but when you do "create - Scripting - Empty c# this issue doesn’t appear at all and everything work as expected.
I tried “create - Scripting - MonoBehaviourScript” still work fine. So the issue was "Create - MonoBehaviourScript "