Hi. I’ve encountered an issue where Unity Hub simply doesn’t seem to launch. If I double-click my desktop shortcut, my cursor gets a brief loading-icon, but the Hub will not launch. The same thing happens if I go to the .exe via file browser. I’ve also tried uninstalling Hub - as well as all my versions of Unity, restarting my computer, deleting my Unity pro seats, and turning off Windows Defender - the only antivirus I have on this machine.
I’ve been using the Hub since around January 2018 with no issues. This problem appeared out of nowhere this morning, after returning to work following the weekend. Two out-of-the-ordinary things might be relevant:
It seems I left my work PC on over the weekend. I normally switch it off, but this could have allowed Windows to install an unwanted update while I was away. However, I see a handful of Windows Defender updates over the weekend, but no system update.
This weekend I installed Hub on my home PC for the first time. But I don’t think I linked my professional Unity account to that Hub.
Other than that, there’s really not much information I can provide on reproduction. My steps are simple:
Turn on my computer and log into my Windows account.
Double-click the Unity Hub desktop icon.
The cursor shows a loading icon for about 5 seconds, and the task manager shows a rise in CPU usage, but the program does not appear. No errors appear either, and the task is not visible in Task Manager.
No luck for me, and ipconfig is recognised in cmd.
I did notice that my “PATH” was named “Path”, and that my system directory was under “%SystemRoot%\system32” instead of the regular path. But fixing these did not allow Unity Hub to open.
Seems that the COMSPEC environment variable had something wrong with it. You can verify this by typing %COMSPEC% into your file explorer. If it doesn’t open up cmd, you likely have the same issue.
So I deleted comspec, and launched Hub (which opened for the first time in a month). Then I re-added comspec from a list of default path variables online, making sure it was correct. Hub still launched, and I can also launch cmd by typing %COMSPEC% into file browser.
I’m working on a hand-me-down machine that was used by other co-workers in the past and hasn’t had a fresh install of windows, so who knows when the environment variables might have been messed up.
Hopefully this helps anyone else with the issue. Thanks for looking into the problem, afshinity
In my case it was the PATHEXT user variable did not contain .EXE. This was overriding the PATHEXT System Variable.
Deleting the PATHEXT user variable will also fix this.
HI there I believe I have the same issue just un installed and reinstalled the latest release with no change in results. is there a fix available for this?
I have the same issue with Unity Hub not opening. I can see that it is running in the background in task manager. The Hub only launches if runs in admin.
This thread’s initial problem has been addressed a while ago. Please open a new thread if the Hub isn’t launching for you as the cause may very well be completely different from the initial problem.
I had the same problem here … unity hub was working just fine … and suddenly it stops to open. now does not matter if I try to open it as admin… it just does not open I can see that it is running in the background in the task manager.
I’ve checked %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub\logs and this is what I found …
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unhandled promise rejection, reason: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.\r\n\\?\C:\Users\mglr\AppData\Local\Temp\fc8f3f21-178f-4969-8737-4d876539fa9c.tmp.node\n\tstack Error: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.\r\n\\?\C:\Users\mglr\AppData\Local\Temp\fc8f3f21-178f-4969-8737-4d876539fa9c.tmp.node\n at process.module.(anonymous function) [as dlopen] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:172:20)\n at Object.Module._extensions…node (module.js:598:18)\n at Object.module.(anonymous function) [as .node] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:186:18)\n at Module.load (module.js:503:32)\n at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12)\n at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3)\n at Module.require (module.js:513:17)\n at require (internal/module.js:11:18)\n at Object. (C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@unityhub\unity-editor-version\editor-version.js:1:170)\n at Object. (C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@unityhub\unity-editor-version\editor-version.js:11:3)”,“timestamp”:“2019-11-15T19:39:42.645Z”}