Bug: Unity runs adb.exe when entering play mode in the editor

When I enter play mode in the Unity editor, Unity launches two instances of adb.exe (part of the Android sdk). It then closes one instance, but the other remains open. This is noticeable by having task manager open while pressing the play button in the editor.

This rogue instance of adb is never closed by Unity, and causes issues such as denying access to the editor log file, and sometimes not allowing Unity to close.

Although I have the Android SDK installed and own an Android Unity license, this issue occurs when working on a Windows project.

This has been happening since at least the first 3.5 release, as is still happening in the latest (3.5.5f3).

i thought i was the only one with this issue. I just installed the latest unity, I’ll see if it still happens.

I have the same issue.
Most of the time my unity don’t want to quit, and if I kill the process adb then unity just quit correctly

Is there any solution?

Best regards

I also get this, I have to kill adb.exe from Task Manager before I’m able to run with networking again.

I have been experiencing the exact same problem, for months my Unity Editor wouldn’t close down properly, it wasn’t untill a few days ago I found out it was related to/affected by the adb.exe process. I was working with NoesisGUI addon and Unity would actually freeze up when I stopped the scene playing. Manually ending the adb.exe process would return Unity to normal and allow me to continue work. It also seems that once I had manually ended that process I didn’t have to do it again.

Hope this gets solved as it’s not very obvious whats going on and it can be quite frustrating, specially in the latter case where it would freeze up when stopping a scene playing.

Same here. It’s extremely annoying, and I suspect it’s related to other problems regarding ports remaining open after the first play.

We have several clients being affected by this bug. It is really annoying. Please fix it.

Same here. Any word on this?

Damn, this is really annoying. Especially while transfering of some packages from project to another. :frowning:

Hi every one i work on unity with noesis gui to and i i this bug to !

Same here, lol… its been a few weeks (since Unity 4.3 really)

Please, vote here to push this

This issue still isn’t fixed even though the tracker says it is.

Edit: For windows. iOS seems fine.

This appears to be the latest version of the issuetracker, throw a vote here and hope they notice it’s not as ‘fixed’ as they think:

There is a more recent bug marked as Active Unity Issue Tracker - Entering Play mode for the first time also launches adb.exe which locks Unity editor when closing it

We should open a new ticket because it still isn’t fixed =(

I agree. It only affects me for switching between projects / shutting down so it’s not a show-stopper but I’d still like to see the back of it.
Please. :confused:

still not fixed wtf!!! Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Are you really surprised about this?

worst part is its creates thousands new connections per second, in a hour your start get connection problems in other apps if you dont terminate adb. I been using unity for many years and all the time been blaming my router for bad internet :smile: