Bug while importing a 3dsmax file

Hey Guys,

i have a weired problem that occurred several times. I imported an 3ds Max scene into Unity and placed it. After modifying the scene in 3dsmax and saving it into the same file, unity tries to refresh it. But unity gets stucked. After waiting for 15 minutes or so i closed down unity with the task manager and reopened mit unity scene. the imported max file occurs in the"scene hierarchy" but not in the scene view itself. in the inspector of the 3ds file is also the “transform” component missing. is it a bug or what is it?
Reimporting the model into unity works but then i have to reassign all the materials :frowning:

I am not sure that you can just update the model in the scene by reimporting it into the project panel, i tried this and could not get it to work. I usually just export the portion of the scene which i have edited as an FBX and import that section. I would suggest not having every part of your scene stored in one file for reasons like this. Split up the scene and make prefabs, and just use a base and build it up in unity.