We’re having issues with animation controller assets being re-serialized by other users’ editors when they don’t even open them. The asset is rewritten with some of the arrays in different order:
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ StateMachine:
m_LocalTransitions: {}
- first: {fileID: 110200000}
+ first: {fileID: 0}
second: []
- first: {fileID: 0}
+ first: {fileID: 110200000}
second: []
m_MotionSetCount: 1
m_AnyStatePosition: {x: -168, y: -60, z: 0}
We’re using Unity 4.0.1f2 on OS X 10.8 with meta files and force text assets. This is an annoyance when using Git. Has anyone else seen this problem?
It seems to just randomly happen to any animation controller in the project. I couldn’t find a way to submit a bug report without including a project (which is not relevant for this bug). Also, I apologize if there have been threads about this but the search function on this forum is just timing out when I try.