Hello folks!
I’m having a lot of fun using Unity with Blender, but recently, I’ve stumbled upon an issue, the solving of which seems to be out of my reach.
It’s about the animations going coo-coo.
I import .blend files instead of .fbx files and I have every animation stored in a different blender action. All nice and tidy. It works just dandy… except for the partial animations.
You know. It’s those animations, that only move a part of the armature, the ones that you use to augment the idle state or to make a character shoot while he runs/walks/stands.
Every animation that doesn’t use all the bones in the models armature, seems to inherit the positions for those bones from the last frame of the proceeding action (alphabetically).
For example: after a run animation, the next one in the actions list is a spit animation (character shakes head to spit), so instead of just a spitting head, I get a suspended-in-the-air-while-running position and a spitting head.
That’s just mad!
Now, I know I could exclude the lover part of the armature with AddMixingTransform, but the movement starts from the spine, so the arms would be affected still. Plus: that’s not a real solution.
So, does anyone have any ideas…