Bugs I've encountered

Unity Startup Window:

  • Project path (when creating first project) did not respond to keyboard input (couldn’t change it)
  • Trying to open a new Unity instance with the same project creates a pop-up window with two buttons: one says “OK”, the other one is blank. They both do the same thing.

Unity Editor:

  • Moving the color picker window (or pressing alt) closes it
  • During play-mode, the game window buttons and other tabs docked in the same area as the game window are not responding to clicks
  • Pressing CTRL+D doesn’t do anything (missing feature)
  • Layer masks don’t have “check” marks for selected layers (missing feature)
  • Right click + dragging in the scene view shows the crosshair cursor, and doesn’t revert to default when the right mouse button is released until the mouse is moved


  • Opening a script from the editor always opens a new MonoDevelop instance
  • Double-clicking a script in the editor opens MonoDevelop, but not the script
  • MonoDevelop doesn’t show auto-complete for Unity classes (Transform, etc)

(Ubuntu 15.04)

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Experience same here on 14.04. Color picked disappears and the maximize doesn’t seem to work. Mine is also missing hex values.

Color picker works on my installation. The hex values are missing as you’ve described, but I can easily select a color with the mouse

Quite the same here on Ubuntu 14.04 TLS :

Unity Editor:

  • During play-mode, the game window buttons and other tabs docked in the same area as the game window are not responding to clicks => yes, but only if the game window is “Maximize on Play”, works well if not “maximized”
  • +plus : a maximized game windows is not draggable.

I am in a XUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS

I saw same problem with color picker and some shortcut keys like CTRL+D. But my mono developer works perfect. It open only one, the clicked file (log console or script file) and auto complete.

Did your project have space or any non ascii character?

One thing. I have the monodevelop installed prior to instal unity3d, unity said that is using the buildin editor, but could be related.

Overall It work very nice to me.

Also some ‘small’ bug for all those people that are using tiling wm’s:
It would be cool if you could add the EWMH hint ‘floating’ to the splash screen :wink:

For now I just have added it to my i3/config as an exception

Also the mousecursor seems to fallback if the cursor-theme is a non-gtk one (in my case breeze):

Setting it to a gtk-cursor fixes this. Maybe just default to a installed gtk-theme as fallback - or even better, support Qt-cursors :stuck_out_tongue:

More about monodeveloper:

“We’re also not currently bundling the dependencies for MonoDevelop (and doing so is a bit complicated), so the easiest way to ensure you can run the bundled MonoDevelop is to first install the upstream MonoDevelop from the Ubuntu Software Center.”