Create a gameobject in your canvas, and name it foo, then create a gameobject and name it boo. Place boo as foo’s child in the hierachy. Attach a slider component to foo. Drag boo into the “Handle Rect” field of the slider component in foo. Now press Control-Z to undo the last action which is to set the “Handle Rect” field back to none. After undo-ing, notice that the values in boo’s transform is all wrong?
Potential Improvement:
Click the circled dot at the right of a field in the inspector. A window will hat appear, asking you to search for an asset. At the top of that window, there is a field that you can enter a string to search for an asset. When using that field, pressing the home button should bring the text cursor to the frontmost position, but this does not work.
Extra unrealated question regarding the forum:
In this forum am I allowed to bump a thread? Or is there a “bump” button that does that for you?
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted this thread at the forum section for UI, and as of now, it went to page 4, but still has 0 replies. Is that thread’s explaination too unclear to understand?
I’ve still been unable to find a solution on my own, and I’m afraid that if that page number goes too high, no one will notice it anymore, and I will never be able to find a solution.
Any suggestions on what I should do with that thread?