BugSense or Crittercism does not work in an Unity application.(iOS)

I tried to integrate a crash report module into a test unity project.
The crash reporter is able to initialize successfully but cannot detect any crashes.
Both BugSense and Crittercism performed as the same way, the “AppLoad” event was sent correctly, but the “didCrashOnLastLoad” callback was never called properly.

After reading this article , I guess unity has done something that captures the crashes? But I cannot find any exception/crash handling code in the XCode project that Unity generated.

Anyone can give me some suggestion ?
Thanks a lot !

I finally found an adapter on github and have my problem resolved.
Here is the link, hope to be helpful to others.

@mituba: FYI - Crittercism just launched an updated Unity plugin. There are instructions on how to use it here:


It’s also open source, and the source code is available here: