Was working on my project and hadnt tested a build in a while, so i decide to do so and BAM, nothing i coded works, i built a Development build to see whats up and i notice that all my scripts in the scene result “missing” and that “A scripted object (probably Core.LoadingScreen?) has a different serialization layout when loading”.
This is only in the main menu where i have 4 scripts, so i tried to build only the main level to access it (since the menu was broken) and i get the same error per script.
After doing some research this bug looks like its not common as i cant find anyone with the same problem.
The “check for #if UNITY_EDITOR” solution obviously doesnt apply to me as all my scripts are affected.
I tried “reimport all”, but nothing, messed around with the build settings but i never touch those anyway and this bug seemed to appear out of nowhere.
I am using an Assembly for my scripts (all of them are under the “Core” namespace and assembly), so maybe there is something i can check there? I already did, but maybe someone knows more about assemblies than me.
here is the Player.log i get from the Main menu scene when built.
9449228–1326338–Player.txt (2.68 KB)