Build does not transfer

When i send a zipped folder of the xcode project to my friend to build on his computer, it builds fine, runs, but wont even show the splash screen, it stays at a black screen.xcode says it was “interrupted”. I have tried many versions and even rebuilt it. Nothing. I sent him an earlier version and that worked fine… Please help.


This may not be it, but is he set up as a team member of your iPhone account?

You’ll most likely have to make a provisioning file for him to use.

If you send him the project folder- it should compile and install on his phone assuming:

He either has a copy of your mobileprovision file with his phone id in it


He has a mobile provision file of his own but with an applied Application Id that matches the bundle id in your project.

I’m sure it’s a code signing issue.

I can send him an adhoc and that works fine, he just cant build it himself.
Earier versions of my app work, just not this one :?
We have built apps together before so its not a provisioning issue.

did you use a newer XCode SDK than he has?
Perhaps you are on 2.1 and he is on 2.0 only or the like.

Both using 2.1 :?

Actually, has anyone seen this work? I now have the same issue when delivering the project as XCode only to be built on a machine with a different code signing cert-

It compiles and installs, but won’t run.