The problem started when I tried uploading the .aab file and it said file size greater than 150mb can’t be accepted in Play console
I used Play Asset delivery to overcome this problem. I created the asset bundle as per this here and followed the instructions as per this link to build the file as per this link. But while building the file it said API level 31 is required. It tried to download it automatically but failed. So as per this video using command prompt I manually downloaded the API levels and overcome this problem. But while building the app bundle I am getting “Compilation failed error” the screenshot of which I am attaching
ALso later build failed with 4 errors comes in and the screenshot of the console is here:
are you still using Google’s .aab build with PAD as before or are you using the split binary and Unity’s .aab build? what is the size of the .abb file?
I used the split binary and build .aab from Unity before, it changed from 200mb to 19mb, but after uploading to googleplayconsole internal test. can only enter the splash screen. that’s why i tried google PAD. the result is more than 300mb and gets an error when uploading the playstore. “One or more of the auto-generated multi-APKs exceeds the maximum allowed size of 2048 MB”. can anyone help? I’m using unity 2020.3.23