Build Error : no suitable method found to override. But this error didn't occur when programming

My Unity version is 6000.0.0f1c1.

I’m using my custom render pipeline and global settings, but error occurs in the override function “Initialize” when building. The definition in the base class is:

public class RenderPipelineGlobalSettings : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
    public virtual void Initialize(RenderPipelineGlobalSettings source = null);

And my override version is:

public class CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings : RenderPipelineGlobalSettings
      public override void Initialize(RenderPipelineGlobalSettings source = null)

Clearly they’re the same. But when I build my game on Windows, Intel 64-bit, error occurs:

error CS0115: ‘CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings.Initialize(RenderPipelineGlobalSettings)’: no suitable method found to override.

Did anyone happen to meet this problem? I totally don’t know what to do with it.
Here’s more code about the class that arise this problem.

public class CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings : RenderPipelineGlobalSettings
    private static CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings cachedInstance = null;
    public static CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings instance
            if (cachedInstance == null)
                cachedInstance = GraphicsSettings.GetSettingsForRenderPipeline<CustomRenderPipeline>() as CustomRenderPipelineGlobalSettings;
            return cachedInstance;

    private List<IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings> m_SettingsList = new();
    protected override List<IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings> settingsList => m_SettingsList;

    public override void Initialize(RenderPipelineGlobalSettings source = null)
        Add(new CustomRenderPipelineRuntimeShaders());