Build Error

I just opened a new Project and i tryed to build it with just admob plugin.
I use this jdk:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_152

And i download this plugin from admob’s site:

I get this Error:

The error says that the file doesn’t exist. Does it exist? Are you low on disk space? Do you have any related errors in the editor log?

IOException: Failed to Move File / Directory from 'Temp/StagingArea\android-libraries\\classes.jar' to 'Temp/StagingArea\android-libraries\\libs\classes.jar'.
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.Tasks.ProcessAAR.Execute (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessRunner.RunAllTasks (UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.PostProcessorContext context)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessAndroidPlayer.PostProcess (BuildTarget target, System.String stagingAreaData, System.String stagingArea, System.String playerPackage, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry)
UnityEditor.Android.AndroidBuildPostprocessor.PostProcess (BuildPostProcessArgs args)
UnityEditor.PostprocessBuildPlayer.Postprocess (BuildTargetGroup targetGroup, BuildTarget target, System.String installPath, System.String companyName, System.String productName, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.String downloadWebplayerUrl, System.String manualDownloadWebplayerUrl, BuildOptions options, UnityEditor.RuntimeClassRegistry usedClassRegistry, UnityEditor.BuildReporting.BuildReport report) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/BuildPipeline/PostprocessBuildPlayer.cs:186)

I have enough disk space also

Seroiusly, when the topic becomes more than just moving a game object i never get an answer…

Perhaps because this is the scripting forum, and that is an Android build error, which there is an Android forum that is more likely to help you with that.

But, my best guess is make sure you have the proper google play services installed through android studio, which appears to be what it’s looking for. Many sdks include a google resolver that will add all the stuff you need to your project as well if it can find it.

I tried to help, but the first question I asked you couldn’t be bothered to answer, and it would seem to be key to your issue. So, not sure what you want from the forums then.

Sorry man did’nt see that and i am frustrated from all those errors :confused:
I guess i have the file, not so sure.
This is the folders:

Ok i solved the problem i think.
I deleted all files from settings, unity rebuilt it automaticly and it worked.
Thanks for the help guys.