Build errors : This function declaration is not a prototype.

When I build on Macbook I get like 8000+ this warning and can’t run or build project.
I looked like everywhere but no solutions clearly.



this goes like that , I tried on my windows project , also tried with new clean project but I got same error every time.

I get the same problem but with 60.000 warnings, and I dont find a solution
After a lot of research, it seems that Xcode 9 checks the prototype function, and a warning is added for empty param, if the word “void” is not added.
example :
int my_func(); > warning
int my_func(void); > no warning

Unity dont add the word “void”. It was possible to ignore this warning previously in Xcode, but it seems not possible now
So no solution…

still waiting pro answer :slight_smile:

Hey. Could you please report the issue with Unity Bug Reporter and provide a small example project?