Build failed on VR Unity project

Hey everyone!
I started working on a VR project on Unity version 2021.2.0f1 with XR Toolkit.
There’s not much to the project so far.
Yesterday I managed to build and run my project onto the Oculus quest with no problems.
Today However, the build fails :frowning:
And I don’t understand what is the reason because I hardly touched the project since yesterday.

This is the error I’m getting while trying to Build & Run Onto the Oculus Quest headset:

Please help me I would be very grateful.


Close the project, delete library folder (and temp folder if it’s still there), open project (will re import), try again.
And update to 2021.2.5f1

Have you done this and it worked out for you?
I’m scared that it’ll mess things up.

Deleting the library folder will not do anything to your project. it will simply cause Unity to rebuild all your scripts and re-import your assets.

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Deleting the library folder is completely safe.

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Hey guys many thanks! It seemed to work (so far haha)

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