Build Failure:Unable to retrieve device properties in Unity 4.2.1


I have this issue in Unity 4.2.1 when i try to build and run on a device.
Device is Huawei T-Mobile Move Balance and it has Android 2.3.5, unknown sources and usb debugging are checked.

Does someone knows a solution to this?


Unity Log:
Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to retrieve device properties. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor. See the Console for more details.
F:/Android Development/Android SDK/adt\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ďż˝ shell getprop

error: device not found



[2013-12-02 17:22:56 - UnityPlayerProxyActivity] Installing UnityPlayerProxyActivity.apk…
[2013-12-02 17:23:02 - UnityPlayerProxyActivity] Success!
[2013-12-02 17:23:02 - UnityPlayerProxyActivity] Starting activity com.ugu.hjbj.UnityPlayerProxyActivity on device Ĺ 
[2013-12-02 17:23:03 - UnityPlayerProxyActivity] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.ugu.hjbj/.UnityPlayerProxyActivity }

and app crashes on the device.

Please if anyone knows a solution to this, i’m really stuck here…

If you do Start → Run → cmd
then type

"F:\Android Development\Android SDK\adt\platform-tools\adb.exe" -s shell getprop

what does the console say?

Nothing, only help commands are shown, but i’m guessing i need to write the device name between -s and shell…
How can i get the correct device name?

I had the same problem with a HTC and I found this solution:

I hope it will also work with your Huawei.

I have installed adb fixer but its not finding any issues with the adb.exe on the device…

Has anyone successfully tested on this kind of device (Huawei T-Mobile Move Balance) ?

If anyone has figured this out, I would be glad to know how to fix it. I’m in the process of using BFS Google Play Games Services plugin to add Leaderboards, Achievements Etc to my game. Now, when I try to build I get this exact error. Any ideas? :slight_smile:

I found just killing the process “adb.exe” from the Windows Task Manager fixed this for me!

(HTC One S)


This Worked for mee tooooo…thanks dude


Hello, i have same problem, but in different case:
Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to retrieve device properties. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor. See the Console for more details.
C:/Users/sealkh/AppData/Local/Android/android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s CKT X shell getprop

my deviceId contain space inside and this command works fine if id enclosed in quotes like this:
C:/Users/sealkh/AppData/Local/Android/android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s “CKT X” shell getprop

But how i can make unity to put quotes there? :wink:

Was on this problem for 4 hours, thanks! worked!

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Just restart your android device


Thanks very much!!, i kill process abd.exe and reset my android device and work!!

I have the same problem with you,
Unity Log:
Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to retrieve device properties. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor. See the Console for more details.
F:/Android Development/Android SDK/adt\platform-tools\adb.exe -s ďż˝ shell getprop
I know it’s funny but it actually worked after I re-plugged in the USB, however you should check the SDK manager first to make sure that your Android SDK is already installed.

Because, even if you have installed them through the path “open Android Studio>configure>SDK manager” and the status have showed that “installed”, it still doesn’t mean that the SDK has installed successfully. So you need to go to the Android SDK Location (where the SDK folder is located), open the “SDK manager” in this path, then check the install status in details.
Like this, in “picture1”, (when you open Android Studio>configure>SDK manager), the status shows “installed”,

picture 1

However, when you go to the Android SDK Location (where the SDK folder is located, as “picture2” below),
after you open the SDK manager in this folder, it shows that the install status is “not compatible”. (as '‘picture3’ below)
picture 2: Android SDK Location (where the SDK folder is located)

picture 3

So you need to check in details and re-install the failed ones.
Finally, don’t forget to re-plugged the USB or restart your SDK manager or your phone to reload data.

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I had the same problem, too. I tried all the ways up there but nothing changed. After several days I looked to the developer settings and I found something and it worked for me.
Developer Options > Turn on “Install via USB” option.
And after that, I restarted my device and unity and I killed the adb.exe from task manager.

Hi, I had this same problem. I just disabled and reenabled Developer Mode in my phone. Then it worked!


Hi, I had same issue. Just solve as below.

[ In my case
a. Galaxy Note 9
b. “Build” is working well, but “Build and Run” is not working ]

  1. enable the developer option on the phone.
    Still same issue.
  2. install the USB driver (language US English).
    It worked well.

I fixed it on mine by resetting the adb. Issuing different commands like these can stop and restart the adb to USB mode

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb” kill-server
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb” tcpip 5555
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb” kill-server
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb” usb

Worked for me too