Build Folder files - where are they?

I’m running Unity 2020.2.0a18 but have had the same problem with earlier versions. I think the problem is with my Player Settings for WebGL. According to the Unity page that describes the WebGL Player settings: (Unity - Manual: Build your WebGL application) there should be 6 files generated in the Build folder:

  • UnityLoader.js
  • MyProject.json
  • MyProject.wasm.framework.unityweb
  • MyProject.wasm.code.unityweb
  • MyProject.wasm.memory.unityweb

But the 4 (only) Build folder files I get are:

  • MyScene.framework.js
  • MyScene.loader.js
  • MyScene.wasm

So I haven’t got enough files. And the ones I do have are the wrong kind :o)

The funny thing is that the resulting web page loads, looks good and seems to be OK (no scripts are running to check behavior) but I’m unable to successfully upload and post it on other WebGL hosting sites.

You are looking at the wrong documentation page, you are running the alpha version. Look at the one for 2020.2 / 2020.1 not 2019.

Thanks for that! It turns out that I was unable to generate the correct WebGL Build files with 2020.2. So, I used 2019.4.5f1 instead. And all works just fine!

Any ideas where the build file is located? :slight_smile: