Build for iOS not working.

I’ve been fighting this for a week already.
I just exported the build for iOS and it failed to render my 3D level. All other menus are ok.
With enabling Metal API validation it stops with
UnityGFXDeviceWorker (38): signal SIGABRT


Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
_MTLDebugValidateDeferredStoreActionOnDevice:4003: failed assertion `Deferred Store Action Validation
storeAction unsupported for Memoryless attachment.
_MTLDebugValidateDeferredStoreActionOnDevice:4003: failed assertion `Deferred Store Action Validation
storeAction unsupported for Memoryless attachment.

This happened on 2022.2.beta 7 through 10
I’m using Forward+ render path.
Multithreaded rendering (I’ve tried to disable this with no luck)

P.s. I know it is hard to say something using so less info, but maybe some ideas on what and where i can dig into solving this?
Btw: android builds are working w/o any problems.

Thanks in advance.

Because Memoryless only supported on iOS/tvOS 10.0+ Metal and Vulkan(Unity - Scripting API: RenderTextureMemoryless.Depth),so android will fine.If you use or customized URP package,you should check all CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(),maybe something like:cmd.GetTemporaryRT(rt, width, height, 8, FilterMode.Point, format, 1, false, RenderTextureMemoryless.Depth),when depthbuffer not zero,storeaction will conflit with Memoryless.