Build for iOS without keys/signing


I’ve searched the docs & forums, and tried running through setup to figure it out – but no dice thus far.

We’ve got a game that we’re targeting mobile for (iOS & Android), but the game is not distributed directly – it’s instead bundled within a separate (React Native) application which is then distributed. We’re trying to get the Unity side working with our CI/build automation system, and we are currently evaluating between two primary options:

  • Script the Unity build fully within CI system. This will work but requires “full” scripting of the entire process, including checking/downloading appropriate Unity version, etc… Doable but not “off-the-shelf”.

  • Unity Cloud Build. I was hoping this would just work but it’s setup to do the entire process (understandably), and I don’t see any way to stop at ‘build’/be able to get just the artifacts (and ideally an API endpoint to find/download).

We basically want the exact same process/outcome as we have locally from the editor’s build UI – with the result being the raw output from a local build (ie xcode project). Our CI server would then download the latest (raw) Unity build files & manipulate them, as needed, to incorporate them into the final finished product/actual packaged React Native build (with all signing stuff happening on the CI system/for final ‘bundled’ RN app).

Is it possible to use Unity Cloud Build and have it not do any signing – and instead have it precisely mimic what happens when we build from the build UI within the editor and allow us to grab the raw output files (ideally packaged/zipped/etc)?

Currently, setting up a build target for iOS asks for (requires) cert & provisioning profile, etc – which basically blocks me from getting further in my efforts to shoe-horn, since we just want the “raw” output.

Tangential: Is there an official API to get URLs for Unity binaries for a given Unity version string? I’ve found non-official solutions but an official source would be preferable.

Ty! :slight_smile:

Bump. A bit more concisely:

Is there a way to use Cloud Build for iOS builds with the exact same process/outcome as we have locally – with the result being the raw output / artifacts (ie xcode project), and without performing any post-build signing/packaging steps?

At this point in time this isn’t possible. Longer term, we are working on a more configurable config file based build system that would allow for just the raw output from Unity without the xcode portion being built by fastlane. There is no time table on this work and I wouldn’t expect it to be available for quite some time.