build from il2cppOutput folder

Is there a way to directly build a project using cpp files from il2cppOutput and dll/xml files from Managed folders, which are generated by il2cpp scripting backend? Then I don’t have to start from translating C# code to IL and then to C++ code. Thanks so much!

This is theoretically possible, as that is what Unity does when it builds the final executable. However, getting the compiler and linker arguments correct it not trivial.

I’m unclear about what your intention is here. Can you elaborate?

Thanks for the reply. I’m testing a product from my company which can provide protection on C++ source code (C# is not supported at this moment), so we are exploring the possibility to apply this product on Unity games. So I am wondering if there is a way to generate the translated C++ source code and I could compile the game from there by myself. Now the building process just act like a blackbox, so I’m unclear where to start.

We don’t support any changes to the generated C++ code after Unity has generated it. So while it is probably possible to make some modifications to the generated code, then compile it again, any issues you encounter will need to be reproduced without that extra step before we can investigate them.