I have some scenes in my project.
Let´s say that scenes A, B and C are finished and I have already build them.
Then I create another scene D.
Is there a way to build just scene D? (to get build time process smaller)
I´ve tried to uncheck “Include in Build” in scenes A,B and C. But they get out of the builded project and does not work.
The results would be the game call the “old build” scenes A, B and C and the “new build” scene D.
The Scenes are inside groups, and what I said above about scene actually is about Group.
Can I build just a specific group?
I have group A, B and C that I have already built.
Then I create a new group called D. Is there a way to build just D but keep the old A, B and C bundle files working?
Addressables only builds data that has changed. So just adding scene D to a new group won’t impact / cause a rebuild of A, B, & C. (It will still need to analyze them however to check for changes)
As for a specific option to force ignoring changes to A, B, & C in Addressables… I’d have to ask @unity_bill
Thanks @Ryanc_unity
In my tests it does not work in that way.
For example:
- I built groups A, B and C and updaload the bundles into the server.
- Run the project in editor (Packed Play mode), everything is ok.
- Add group D and built it (A,B and C were created again, a new bundle version).
- Upload just group D bundle in the server. A, B and C don´t work anymore with the old bundles
Am I missing something?
I think the missing piece is that Scenes contain Lighting data which influences how assets are built. So if the scene you added to group D had a different lighting setup (realtime / baked shadows, fog, instancing, etc) then that could cause data in groups A, B, C to need to rebuild.