Build needs a specific Folder Path

My problem is the following: I still have a build of a game, but not anymore the unity project. My failure at back at that time was, that I created a build that needs to acces a specific folder on my winwows system (exp: E:/examplepath/datafolder/*.json-file). my Problem now is that this folder path doesn’t exist anymore because I had to resetup windows since then twice. So cant search on my old system for that folder path and i cant check in the unity project neither.

So my question now is, is there a possibility to see which folder path my game build is trying to access when this path isn’t existing on my current system? so that I can manualy create that folder path and fill it with the needed .json files that I still have?

Theoretically, sure. I’d start with downloading Process Monitor from Microsoft since it can log these sorts of things. Set up a filter so it only shows the name of whatever your game is, run the build, and then see what the results are. It’s going to be something like “path not found.” From there you can do whatever.

For future reference though? Don’t use explicit paths. That’s only going to cause pain like this.

your build script should have that info in it

They wouldn’t have the build script.

open it in notepad look for the strings?

in short: Thanks A Lot, I got it

Thanks a lot for your helping hands. The process monitor solution I already tryed but had no success. Since u mentioned it I gave it a second chance and finaly I found it. Thanks for mentioning the filter blush:slight_smile:

I have my folder path now

The “Opening a build in notepad” approach sounds interessting, but since I can’t handle the encoded scribble scrabble I don’t know what to do with it. anyway the MS Process Monitor helped.

Checking the folder path in my script would have been the easiest way, but I dont have it anymore. And even If I had it, I created a “serialized field” for the unity editor and typed in the folder path in the editor and not in the script…second failure from which I learned now. (** the reason for that was, that I wanted to have a folder outside of the build, where I could manualy add or manipulat specific .json files for having different outcomes of my build*)