When I build PC standalone, it always crashes when resolving used channels( Lit - Universal Renderer Pipeline/ Lit - ForwardLit)
It even doesn’t show any log or reason just crash and shut down Unity. I try unity 2020.1.6f1 and 2020.2.0b2 and 2020.1.3f1, but the same result.
These are the picture and video below:
How to disable Windows Server. If something wrong with the windows installing, What can I do for testing it?
Sorry, and what is EventViewer?
Thank you
I’ve tried my other project with the same unity version, it’s OK to build. So I am now trying removing some package to test it but still not working at the moment
I finally found how it happened, I think it just because of too many sprites in the animation. when building, it seems running out of memory or something. I delete a folder that has over 1000 sprites(using in animation) and it builds successfully.
Thank you