build PC standalone Crash when resolving used channels...

When I build PC standalone, it always crashes when resolving used channels( Lit - Universal Renderer Pipeline/ Lit - ForwardLit)
It even doesn’t show any log or reason just crash and shut down Unity. I try unity 2020.1.6f1 and 2020.2.0b2 and 2020.1.3f1, but the same result.
These are the picture and video below:

I have no idea how to fix it. Thank you.

Sometimes, it crashed in a different way, popup error windows : (

Cleanmgr.exe seems to be a builtin windows process related to Windows Server. Try disabling it and seeing what happens.

A windows tool crashing like this might also be a sign that there is something wrong with the windows install.

Additionally, check the EventViewer for events related to the other Unity crashes, and see what you can find there.

How to disable Windows Server. If something wrong with the windows installing, What can I do for testing it?
Sorry, and what is EventViewer?
Thank you

I’ve tried my other project with the same unity version, it’s OK to build. So I am now trying removing some package to test it but still not working at the moment

I finally found how it happened, I think it just because of too many sprites in the animation. when building, it seems running out of memory or something. I delete a folder that has over 1000 sprites(using in animation) and it builds successfully.
Thank you

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