Is there any information on the actual WebGL build process as initiated from a command-line interface?
The docs didn’t seem to mention WebGL command line flags whatsoever.
I’m trying to inject some optimizations/alternate flags into the process (specifically, emscripten) to see if I can get the AST memory spikes in Chrome down.
Make a folder “Editor” withing “Assets” folder and place this (where you should replace scenes[ ] with your scenes!)
using UnityEditor;
class WebGLBuilder {
static void build() {
string[ ] scenes = {“Assets/scenes/S_MainMenu.unity”, // replace with your scenes
string pathToDeploy = “builds/WebGLversion/”
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes, pathToDeploy, BuildTarget.WebGL, BuildOptions.None);
then write from command line :
“C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe” -quit -batchmode -logFile stdout.txt -executeMethod
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