Build Profiles: 3 buttons in toolbar look like a text label

Beside that, I find it’s the wrong place to put the “Learn about Unity Dev Ops” button. A more logical place could be near the “Welcome to Build Profiles” text in the lower-left area of the dialog.

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A more logical place would be nowhere actually, but at this point it’s more probable that Unity removes the ability to build without going through their service than them removing this button.

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Yes, I agree of course. But I’m trying to move within what I believe might be Unity’s wiggle-room for these kind of changes

They’re not going to remove it, but suggesting a possible better fit elsewhere in the UI where it’s less distracting for us at the same time could be something that they agree with and it’s for both sides better than it’s now.

Hi Peter, thanks for the feedback regarding the dev-ops button.

The team is aware of the issue regarding the button separators, we will look into it.