Build Render Problem

Hi people,

I’m making sprite game, and when I build the game the render does not work fine. In editor it’s working well.

Images bellow. Has someone experienced a problem like this??

I need help.


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Hi - I probably can’t help with build render problem issues, but anyway;

What platform you are building for?

On what kind system (hardware) you are running your build on?

= Your question is poorly crafted / does only have very limited amount of information… so don’t expect too many answers either.

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I’m using building the game for Windows and I’m using the last Unity version.

can it have something with 4 GB cap to do ?

I have read you can try to:
-activate GPU Skinning
-reduce size of the Resources

ps. looks nice :smile:

Hi, thanks for the response. I will take a look on this thread.

Renato Dias Viana