Build results in package_unaligned.apk and errors

We’re seeing a new issue with our current builds (of which nothing REALLY changed persay). We have moved over to an asset server and the project is in different location then it was previous but outside of that the project is the same as it was before save some new scenes and textures.

We’re now getting, on every build, a Move File failed error saying that it can’t find package.apk in the StagingArea folder. When i look in there there is indeed a file called package_unaligned.apk which if i rename to package.apk it will continue w/the copy process. We’re not getting any errors in the log that i can tell (rebuilding with a clean log to confirm)… but the apk thats getting output is definitely not usable (won’t install through adb).

Anyone run across this? I’ve seen plugin issues w/android where it would fail entirely but i don’t think we’re getting that issue.

Confirmed no actual build issues that i can see (in the editor log at least). We just get to an IO Failure at the very end… almost like it can’t find the folder or something.

Hi bpritchard,

We are experiencing the exact same error every time we try to build a new APK package.
Were you able to solve this ?