am trying this process , so i do a simple project , just a button using EZ GUI and give it its values and trying to run it on Emulator but i got this errors on Console , any one can help ?
Assets/Plugins/EZ/GUI/Controls/UIBtnWWW.cs(44,43): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.iPhoneSettings.internetReachability' is obsolete: internetReachability property is deprecated. Please use Application.internetReachability instead.’
Assets/Plugins/EZ/GUI/Controls/UIBtnWWW.cs(44,93): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.iPhoneNetworkReachability' is obsolete: iPhoneNetworkReachability enumeration is deprecated. Please use NetworkReachability instead.’
Assets/Plugins/EZ/GUI/Management/UIManager.cs(709,44): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.iPhoneSettings.model' is obsolete: model property is deprecated. Please use SystemInfo.deviceModel instead.’
Assets/Plugins/Sprite Scripts/Support/SpriteRoot.cs(1724,25): warning CS0219: The variable `oldSPUV’ is assigned but its value is never used
These are no errors, it’s warnings. You can ignore it, if you don’t care about forward compatibility or poke EZGUI developer to update it (or grab the latest version of EZGUI and hope its already fixed).
If the developer hasn’t fixed it, just do it yourself. Just double click on the warnung and the script file will be opened and the the place the cursor to the right row and then do what the warning says. Replace all iPhoneSettings.internetReachabilit with Application.internetReachability instead etc. and you’re good and prepared for future updates.
Deprecated warning means, this function will be removed in future and if you want that your code keeps compatible with future versions, use the new functions/methods instead of the old ones.
Thank you for your interest , i`ll try to fix it as you said…
somebody on a thread "from google search " said that the EZ GUI conflicts with the Android building !? that’s what makes me got shocked , is ther is any tips on working for the androids you may provide for me "may be some links of anything helps really on this topic " , and thank you again for your time