Build share links are broken in Slack

Just getting a “share link request was not found” when selecting the link provided after a successful build. I can download the build from the dashboard fine and generate my own link to share others on my team. We commonly use slack as a means for non unity devs to download and test the latest builds so we need this to work. We are on Unity 6 LTS. Thanks you!

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Same for me. I hope Unity team see this.

Update: Found workaround

1.) Go to Unity Cloud Build site
2.) Hit any build you want to share
3.) Hit share link
4.) Copy UID then paste it on Device Detection


We’ve been experiencing this as well for a few weeks now.

This is the workaround we’re using to use the Share links from Slack:

Replace this part:

With this:

Share link was fine today, I think we can close this topic.