Build size way bigger than stated in editor.log


I just build a simple test I wanted to show someone. For the media there is only 1 texture (128x128). But the (Mac) application is 41.6 MB!

Editor log:

Textures      32.1 kb	 0.7% 
Meshes        0.0 kb	 0.0% 
Animations    0.0 kb	 0.0% 
Sounds        0.0 kb	 0.0% 
Shaders       14.2 kb	 0.3% 
Other Assets  0.7 kb	 0.0% 
Levels        144.7 kb	 3.3% 
Scripts       188.5 kb	 4.3% 
Included DLLs 3.9 mb	 91.2% 
File headers  8.4 kb	 0.2% 
Complete size 4.3 mb	 100.0% 

I’m using the personal version if this matters. Does anyone know how to reduze the size for this?

There are several reasons for this:

  • The Unity player accounts for some of the size. If your build settings is Arm, it is around 12mb. If you add in FAT build, it will be around 20mb.
  • The other reason is that items in your “Resources”, “Streaming Assets” folders are not included in the log.


  • For testing purposes, you can create a scene and add it to your build settings. For this scene, you can add all your assets in the Resources folder to the scene hierarchy. This will ensure Unity account for them in the build log.