Build (Unity 6000.0.36f1) does not run on Windows 7

Hello everyone!
I have a question!
I tried to launch build of my project on Windows 7 and I got error “Error during launching of application (0xc0000005). For exit from application press OK” (there is no more info and any logs in AppData)

I want to note, that I made build on the brand new version of the Unity - 6000.0.36f1.

I tried to build project on 2022.3.56f1 - and build was running smoothly on Windows 7.

I thought that Unity 6 could be better choice and tried to use it. But I got this problem.

Can you help me, please?

ps. I inspected Player and build setting both for 2022.3.56f1 and for 6000.0.36f1.
A lot of settings are the same, but maybe I am missing something?

pps. I tried to build completely blank scene without any content on 6000.0.36f1. And I also got this error.

ppps. I tried to switch from DX12 to DX11. And it also did not help.

I hope you will help!
Have a nice day!

System requirements specify Windows 10 and above for Unity 6
Unity - Manual: System requirements for Unity 6

Unity 2022 minimum was Windows 7
Unity - Manual: System requirements for Unity 2022.3

Only choice is to upgrade.


sacb0y, it was too simple :grinning: :grin:

I tried to find complex solution and the solution was too simple hahaha

Thank you very much for your help! You saved my time I spent on solving of the problem!

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