Build with il2cpp fail: undefined reference to Register_UnityEngine_ParticleSystem_SubEmittersModule

unity verison:2019.1.2
ndk: r16b

Build with il2cpp and fail. There are many errors like:
Temp/StagingArea/Il2Cpp/Managed/UnityICallRegistration.cpp:18415: error: undefined reference to ‘Register_UnityEngine_ParticleSystem_SubEmittersModule_get_birth0_Injected()’
Temp/StagingArea/Il2Cpp/Managed/UnityICallRegistration.cpp:18383: error: undefined reference to ‘Register_UnityEngine_ParticleSystem_SubEmittersModule_set_birth0_Injected()’

And I make a link.xml to avoid strip:

But it didn’t work

disable “strip engine code” and solved

This seems like a bug on the Unity side. Can you submit a but report with the project that causes this issue?