Sorry about my English. I have a big problem with Unity. I’m set up my build in “Build setting”. But when i build it. The result is wrong version. It’s the last version of my scene so I’m check my build setting. It’s only have my current scene. I’m build many time but it’s still the last version. I think i need to delete the history build in unity. But i don’t know how to do it?. Please help me.
You can go to File > build settings…
if you want to add your current scene to your game click on Add current and in the “Scenes in build” window you can edit them.
After a few years I am facing this bizarre issue for the very first time. On Unity 2019.1.14 (building for Oculus Go). Restarting Unity (every single time) seems to “solve” it. The scene it insists to build doesn’t even exist anymore, and using old scripts which have been changed and saved. It’s one of the weirdest issues I’ve ever faced.