Builded exe Fatal error Missing '' in Data folder?

See screenshot, the builded exe runs very well on the machine who build it, but after i send the exe to another computer, it run fail as this.

Solution 1:

You need to also send the Data folder associated with the project. The folder is located in the same location as where the .exe file was built to and will be called ProjectName_Data.

Whenever I send a build I zip up the data folder and .exe together so I know when they’re unzipped they are both still together.

Solution 2:

As a potential solution for others with this error message who have not moved the Data folder - I had this same error message showing up when I had built a project with a number of DLLs that required the API Compatibility level be set to “.NET 2.0” instead of “.NET 2.0 subset”. You can change this in Player Settings and once done it should allow the game to run normally again.