Building a post-apocalyptic city?

I’ve just got into Unity. I have created a lot of pretty good stuff in FPSC, but I felt the engine was far too limited and small.

Anyway, I’m building a FPS/RPG single player game, which is basically sandbox (main objectives, but plenty of secondary things, and honestly, you wouldn’t HAVE to do any of it once you’ve done the very basics.) Think Fallout 3.

The city istelf was ravaged by natural disasters, explained in the storyline. Its a walled environment, with a little wilderness to one edge, which is cut off from anywhere else via a river - I can do that part easily. The city will have various survivor groups - some large, some small, in underground bunkers, walled towns, ets. So I need to easily be able to create collapsed buildings, huge rubble piles, ravines in the middle of streets, maybe a nice volcano etc. I have a very limited budget. On FPSC I had bought about £500 worth of media, which was a LOT in that community (I’m talking professional looking HD model packs of like, 40 people for £40.)

Any help is much appreciated.

Just position those assets in the scene?

Or are you talking about modelling them yourself?

In that case, download Blender and get working. There are plenty of blender tutorials about. For some parts you could also use Unity’s Terrain system.

Well, what you’re asking is a lot of work. You cannot ask: how to build a whole game (or model a whole post apocalyptic city). You have to break down the process into smaller parts, which you can focus in.

I was preety interested in FPSC myself a while ago and I can say it’s not anything like unity. FPSC isn’t a game engine, it was something between game maker and a level edito0r (as far as I know, you couldn’t even do any scripting, correct me if I’m wrong), and I know for sure that jumping into unity may be a little bit more tricky.

If you’re thinking on spending money on 3d models, I’m sure you’ll find a lot of good 3d modellers willing to work.

You can script on FPSC, its just stupidly confusing and a pretty bad language. But yeah, I was talking about modelling it myself partly, and buying/paying people to build other models.

But the actual question I was asking was there a basic equivelent to Cityengine for my needs. I guess it wasn’t worded very well though. Guess I’ll just get modelling.