Building APK for Android?

So I managed to create the RPG and Karting tutorial games, now I’m trying to build them for Android, I’ve checked the build settings in the latest 2020.3 version, and clicked switch platform for Android, browsed to my Karting game folder in Linux and built the game, but the APK file isn’t there in my files?

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

I fixed it, I just had to export the game.

New problem, how do I get Chrome OS into developer mode to install the APK from my Linux files?

I know you like hanging out in the Getting Started forums because you get used to the same group of people, but these kind of questions don’t really fit here. You’d have better luck finding answers in the subforums dedicated to the specific issue or platform you’re working with – in this case, likely the Linux sub.

An OS doesn’t have “developer mode”. Does your system have a USB port that you can connect to? Your device has developer mode, not the OS. What Android phone are you using? Also, as a reminder, Chromebox + Linux is not a supported platform. I know you don’t want a Mac or PC because of “viruses”, but you should consider making the switch. You are being delayed by months by insisting on your Chromebox.

It’s not me who insists on the Chromebox, it’s my Internet security expert Brother.

I personally hate the thing.

My phone is a Moto G 5G Plus.

I might suggest to get your own system, someone about a year ago suggested a GoFundMe page, I would help! Also, you didn’t answer the most critical question! :slight_smile: You do need to turn on Developer mode on your phone, this may help

Developer mode on my phone worked, however I still need developer mode on my Chrome OS PC to install the APK file.

However my Internet security expert Brother says that might kill my box and it’s unsafe, is he right?

The safest thing you can do to protect your computer is to never connect it to the Internet, install any software, or plug anything into it. That’s the only guaranteed way to avoid any malicious code.

Everything beyond that is a calculated risk you take in order to actually do anything worth doing. Educating yourself and not blindly trusting what you hear (whether that means from family or strangers on a game development forum) is the best thing you can do to determine which course of action is appropriate for you.

A quick Google search brought up this It sounds quite risky (wipes your user files) and a lot of work. Or you might just consider publishing to Google Play. You need a developer account to do so, it’s $25/year. Then you could download your game from Google Play. You don’t need to publish it live, just to Closed testing to get started. Also, what happens when you do “Build and Run” from Unity? Please show a screenshot of any errors you see.